SRU and UHST to offer MSc in Foodi
In a latest development, University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum (UHST) and Svay Rieng University (SRU), Cambodia received a license to offer the Master in Science in Food Processing and Innovation (Msc Foodi) from the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS). The programme will be conducted in Cambodian national language and also in English.
The FOODI MSc Programme contains 90 credits, delivered over three semesters, with 72 core and 18 elective credits. The programme includes both technical (engineering, science, nutrition, health) and business (entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial, innovation, business strategy) aspects. The core of the programme is the MIDAS course with an allocation of 30 credits.
Congratulations to the UHST and SRU team.